DI’s Risk Management Forening - DARIM

DARIM er et stærkt fagligt netværk for personer der beskæftiger sig med risikostyring, enterprise risk management og/eller forsikring.


At the European Risk Management Awards 2023 Charlotte Enggaard, Senior Director, Group Risk Management, received an award from Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) for Outstanding Contribution to the Risk Management Profession. The recognition is part of FERMA’s European Risk Management Awards Ceremony which brought together risk management associations and professionals from across Europe as part of the annual seminar on the topic which was held in October 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium.


The award is a testament to Charlotte’s more than 20 years of experience in risk management and her contribution to the industry through her work as the Chair of Danish Risk Management Association (DARIM).

DARIM’s recommendation for Charlotte’s nomination outlines her achievements during her tenure with the Association:
“For more that 20 years, Charlotte Enggaard has been a strong role model for new insurance and risk managers. Driving the process within the board and association for creating a wider focus on enterprise risk management (ERM) in Danish companies. During the last 10 years, she developed the association to comprise wider risk management topics (ERM, Sustainability, Geopolitical risks). This certainly resulted in take up of many new members, in particular with ERM profile.”

FERMA on Charlotte’s nomination: “Your continued commitment and long-lasting contribution to the risk management community is admirable.”

53268651442_a21085a81b_o.jpgFoto: FERMA

TILLYKKE til Risk Manager of the Year 2022 Nana Fischer Maibøll Qvist

DARIM ønsker stort tillykke til Nana Fischer Maibøll Qvist, Head of Group Insurance & ERM hos HEMPEL A/S, der blev kåret som Risk Manager of the Year 2022 ved DARIM's Heldagskonference den 21. marts 2023. Nana var nomineret og modtog prisen for sit arbejde med HEMPEL's Global Benefits Management Program, som bl.a. har været med til at understøtte virksomhedens ESG-profil.

Nomineret i TOP 3 var også Ajsa Sogorovic, Group Risk & Legal Manager hos Scandi Standard nomineret for sit arbejde med Scandi Standards Property forsikringsprogram og risikostyring og Jakob Andersen, Senior Director, Insurance Management & Customs Implementation hos DSV A/S nomineret for sit arbejde med DSVs forsikringsafdeling. Også stort tillykke med nomineringen til Jakob og Ajsa.

På billedet ses Nana og formand for DARIM Charlotte Enggaard.

Læs mere om Nana og hendes arbejde for HEMPEL A/S
Benedikte Fogh Kristiansen

Benedikte Fogh Kristiansen

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